28 de mayo de 2009

22 de mayo de 2009

The magic bracelet (2)

"... The boy went to school and grew up to be a fine doctor, living in a confortable home with many children of his own."
An education is one of the greatest riches
La imagen superior forma parte del cuadro "La niña del Role-2". Mixta sobre tabla, 60 x 60 cm.

18 de mayo de 2009

12 de mayo de 2009

10 de mayo de 2009

7 de mayo de 2009

The magic bracelet (1)

ONCE there was a child who stood in the streets of a big city, trying to sell bracelets and simply beg for money. One day an old man said to him: "I wont`give you money but something much more valuable". The old man reached into his pocket and pulled out som beads on a string. "A bracelet?"


3 de mayo de 2009